Choose us for older dog adoption and contribute to save older dog life’s

We diligently campaign for older dogs and their well-being thanks to generous contributions from sponsors, private charities, Donate video games , Donate Electronics and supporters. We raised public awareness about the need for older pet adoptions and educated people on the advantages of caring for senior animals. To raise awareness of senior pets and senior pet adoptions, we create, publish, and distribute online material as well as public service announcements. We also offer critical resources for at-risk elderly dogs, like free pet insurance, medical supplies, pet bedding, and grooming supplies. We also work with hundreds of website users each month to assist individuals rehome dogs they are no longer able to care for, in an attempt to keep elderly pets out of shelters. We are animal enthusiasts who have spent years caring for senior pets. We are not medical doctors, but we collaborate with medical professionals, the American Veterinary Medical Association, and other medical ...